Friday, November 30, 2007

well, johns banjo is pretty much wrapped up. im going to have to take it apart in order to get the final coats of finish on. i think i'll also make a more interesting tailpiece.
this banjo sounds absolutely fantastic. the tone is perfectly balanced between thumpiness and kick. or, to use non-vague terms: the lows and the highs are good. the neck is made out of a piece of ash from indiana with a scale length of 26.5" and the pot is made from a modern, 12" maple rim. as always, click for full (huge) size.

Monday, November 26, 2007

getting very close to the end with this banjo. looking great so far...

Saturday, November 24, 2007

johns banjo is coming along. will likely assemble tomorrow, save for skin. its a real beauty. click on the thumbnail to see.