Friday, July 06, 2007

its been a tumultuous month, but i have continued to work on banjos. as it happens, i will, sadly, not be attending clifftop in august. though it pains me to miss out, it is just not possible. that being said, the banjo i am making for dennis in honolulu is coming together nicely, and should be ready for final finishing later on this weekend. once again, dennis wanted a similar banjo to josh korda's first banjo - the black one - in the gallery. dennis is a luthier himself, so i have to make sure everything is perfect, or at least as perfect as i can get it. the fact that this banjo will also reside in the most completely humid conditions imaginable only adds to the challenge. here is what it looks like so far. the neck has been completely shaped, pegs fitted, dowel turned and attached, and the rim has been stained and sanded.

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